Barbara Neukirchinger (PhD)

Research Officer

Social Sciences / Health and Social Care

Bangor University

Research and projects


Monographs (and dissertation)

Doctoral thesis: "New Impulses for Disability Studies: Bringing Together the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory, Foucault’s Theory of Power, and Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Feminism as Responses to the Postmodern Critique of the Social Model of Disability"


McLaughlin, L., Jones, C., Neukirchinger, B., Noyes, J., Stone, J., Williams, H., Williams, Williams, D., Rapado, R., Phillips, R., Griffin, S. Feminizing care pathways: Mixed-methods study of reproductive options, decision making, pregnancy, post-natal care and parenting amongst women with kidney disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2023, 00:1–

McLaughlin, L., Neukirchinger, B., Noyes, J. Interventions for and experiences of shared decision-making underpinning reproductive health, family planning options and pregnancy for women with or at high risk of kidney disease: a systematic review and qualitative framework synthesis. BMJ Open 2022, 12: e062392.

McLaughlin, L., Neukirchinger, B., Monks, J., Duncalf, S., Noyes, J. Seeking consent for organ donation: Process evaluation of implementing a new Specialist Requester nursing role. Journal of Advanced Nursing 77, 2: 845-868.

Neukirchinger, B. Kritische Theorie als Perspektive für das britische soziale Modell von Behinderung. In D. Brehme, P. Fuchs, S. Köbsell and C. Wesselmann (eds) Disability Studies im deutschsprachigen Raum. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 74-81.

Dallimore, D., Neukirchinger, B. & Noyes, J. Why is transition between child and adult services a dangerous time for young people with chronic kidney disease? A mixed-method systematic review. PloS ONE 13, 8: e0201098.

Neukirchinger, B. Feminist Queer Crip (Book Review). Feminist Review 112, p. E21-E22.

"Equality Politics in the Light of Diversity - the End of Participation?": follow-up essay for the conference "UniVision 2020" that was published in the correspondent essay collection in 2013.

Production of the German audio version of „A Cyborg Manifesto“ by Donna
Haraway as part of the group Geek-o-Droids; introduced at the Berlin Quear-Audiofestival 2013.
→ podcast:

Areas of research

Gender, Social Theory, Qualitative Methods, Sociology of Disability/Disability Studies, Intersectionality, Postmodernism

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification